Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

My best friends.

Since I re-registered in UHAMKA, I was acquainted with someone whom I had never seen before. Then I immediately acquainted with her. Her name is Ayu. She lives in Bekasi. That’s what I did with her. I forgot to ask for his phone number so I've lost contact with her.

But current entrance examination I see her again. And obviously I was in one class with her anymore. When I had exam I sat beside her. After seeing the announcement patently she is my classmate in class 1-i.

And I think Rahayu is a good, a diligent, and a beautiful girl, and also relaxed in appearance. Therefore, her friends usually called tomboy girl, because she looks
like a boy ;)

That’s when I began to recognize Hikayah, Bella and Ega.

Hikayah is a beautiful girl and I think she is admirable as parents. She is able to protect her friends and likes to tell us any useful thing.  That's probably her parents’ reason named her
Hikayah or story.

Bella, I think she's a good kid, diligent in prayer, and often helps her parents to take care of younger brother that named Lucky.

Ega, I think she is an obedient child at parents, kind, and care. She also likes having

I really feel happy to meet them. Because they are good friends, caring, concern, mutual help or help each other and they could be my sisters and also my parents while in campus.

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